Learning Book #001 & #002 by Learningsite

Learning Site pays attention to the local conditions it finds in the place where it chooses to work. In the past years Learning Site has mainly worked with resource materials and economies related to the specific situations where work has been carried out. Economic, environmental, labor, property rights, and many other issues are investigated in tandem to produce a variety of perspectives.

Learning Site takes part of a discussion of how knowledge is distributed and produced.

Learning Site is comprised of Rikke Luther (DK) and Cecilia Wendt (S), co-founders of N55 (download N55 BOOK as PDF), Julio Castro (MEX), co-founder of Tercerunquinto, and Brett Bloom (US), co-founder of Temporary Services. The different backgrounds are the basis for expanding the language they built up through sharing and mixing.

Learning Book #001, [Collecting System]:

[Learning Book #001, Collecting System] is a part of an ongoing discussion of how knowledge is distributed and produced. Unused materials are generated in enormous quanitites every day. In this specific discussion, Learning Site is curious about how unused materials are put to use in the local situations they chose to work in. These uses call attention to the factors that Learning Site learns from in order to initiate projects. Economis, environmental conditions, labor, property rights and many other issues are investigated in tandem to produce a variety of perspectives and possible courses of action.

This book shows four projects by Learning Site and the numerous people who worked with them: a house built of caedboard the construction which was learned from the shells of sea urchins, a wearable Walking Ciy, and two houses made of plastic bottles and other material gathered through [Collecting System].

Learning Book #002, [Connecting Systems]:

[Learning Book #002] focuses upon the [Underground Mushroom Gardens] in general and [Underground Mushroom Gardens] during the Singapore Biennale 2006, that took place at the PCF school, Indusroad #79.
[Learning Book #002] is part of an ongoing discussion how knowledge is distributed and produced by paying attention to how systems can be connected with other systems and how these systems could be redefined, added to, expanded and plugged into other systems etcetera. The main systems that are involved and discussed are the regulations to use of land, knowledge systems, food production and trade.
The book includes descriptions of the model [Underground Mushroom Garden], related activity, and three Learning Posters; [Connection Systems, #002] and [Underground Mushroom Gardens, #004A / #004B].

Share these two books via demonoid or go to learningsite and download them!

Related post: Trashing the Neoliberal City: Autonomous Cultural Practices in Chicago from 2000-2005.

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