Laika(2005) by Kristjan Zaklynsky
Saturday, December 30, 2006
I found the work by Kristjan Zaklynsky on my way through various online archives yesterday. I love when people distribute their own work through the peer to peer networks, more people should definently start doing this.
Kristjan writes:
This was my first experiment with stop motion animation and I kind of went all the way. I took something like 7000 photographs in two weeks when I was staying at my friend's house in New York and at my parents' place in Newport, RI. There's no narrative here, just a lot of things I found in the house moving around like crazy. I made a randomly modulating squarewave drone with lots of reverb for the soundtrack. Enjoy.
A few stills from the movie:

I will add another video by Kristjan one of the following days along with some information about him.
You can contact Kristjan at 'kristjanz AT'.
Share Laika via thepiratebay or demonoid.
at 5:16 PM
Beyond Green: Toward a Sustainable Art
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Balancing environmental, ethical, economic, and aesthetic concerns, sustainable design has the potential to transform everyday life and has already dramatically reshaped the practice of architecture. Beyond Green introduces a new generation of international artists who work at the intersection of sustainable design and contemporary art.
The book explores the ways that this design strategy is being used – and sometimes intentionally misused – by an emerging group of artists who combine fresh aesthetic sensibilities with constructively critical approaches to the production, dissemination, and display of their art. Lavishly illustrated, the book also includes texts by and interviews with individual artists, along with substantial essays by exhibition curator Stephanie Smith and design historian Victor Margolin. What results is a bracing volume that will be of interest to practitioners and aficionados of design and art alike, as well as to environmentalists.
Allora & Calzadilla
Free Soil
Learning Group
Brennan McGaffey in Collaboration with Temporary Services
Nils Norman
People Powered
Dan Peterman
Marjetica Potrc
Michal Rakowitz
Frances Whitehead
Andrea Zittel
Download the book at Smart Museum of Art or support(they do need it) the filesharing networks at demonoid or thepiratebay.
at 11:40 AM
The Pervert's Guide To Cinema & zizek!, both starring Slavoj Zizek
Monday, December 25, 2006
I found out that the file i referred to a few weeks ago only was the second part of the entire guide. Sorry for the inconvenience.. here is the whole thing along with a documentary on Slavoj Zizek!
The maker of The Perverts Guide To Cinema, Sophie Fennes, is apparently, positive towards her movie being shared via the peer to peer networks. Rasmus Fleischer reports from the pirate cinema event at bootlab..
Filmens regissör Sophie Fiennes hade tydligen fått höra om den illegala visningen och var väldigt positivt inställd, särskilt som hon hoppades att det kunde hjälpa filmen att få en officiell distributör i Tyskland. Det berättade Sebastian Lütgert i sin korta introduktion till piratbion..
For those of you who do not speak swedish, Sophie simply says that she is positive towards the fact that her work is shared via the peer to peer networks. And she hopes that it can help her get an official distributor in Germany.. I hope someone told her that the peer to peer networks are doing a good, if not better job than the official distributors :)
I have heard that Brett Bloom of Temporary Services, the maker of Prisoners' Inventions as well is positive towards peer to peer networks and the fact that he's work is distributed to a wider audience.
Information on the guide:
'Cinema is the ultimate pervert art. It doesn't give you what you desire - it tells you how to desire' - Slavoj Zizek
THE PERVERT'S GUIDE TO CINEMA takes the viewer on an exhilarating ride through some of the greatest movies ever made. Serving as presenter and guide is the charismatic Slavoj Zizek, the Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst. With his engaging and passionate approach to thinking, Zizek delves into the hidden language of cinema, uncovering what movies can tell us about ourselves.
THE PERVERT'S GUIDE TO CINEMA offers an introduction into some of Zizek's most exciting ideas on fantasy, reality, sexuality, subjectivity, desire, materiality and cinematic form. Whether he is untangling the famously baffling films of David Lynch, or overturning everything you thought you knew about Hitchcock, Zizek illuminates the screen with his passion, intellect, and unfailing sense of humour. THE PERVERT'S GUIDE TO CINEMA applies Zizek's ideas to the cinematic canon, in what The Times calls 'an extraordinary reassessment of cinema.'
The film cuts its cloth from the very world of the movies it discusses; by shooting at original locations and on replica sets, it creates the uncanny illusion that Zizek is speaking from within the films themselves. Described by The Times as 'the woman helming this Freudian inquest,' director Sophie Fiennes' collaboration with Slavoj Zizek illustrates the immediacy with which film and television can communicate genuinely complex ideas. Says Zizek: "My big obsession is to make things clear. I can really explain a line of thought if I can somehow illustrate it in a scene from a film. THE PERVERT'S GUIDE TO CINEMA is really about what psychoanalysis can tell us about cinema."
THE PERVERT'S GUIDE TO CINEMA is constructed in three parts. Says Fiennes: 'The form of the Guide is a deliberately open one. There are three parts, but there could be more. Zizek's method of thinking is exciting because it's always building. Things relate forwards and backwards and interconnect into a mind-altering network of ideas. The film's title is something of a McGuffin - just a way to get you into this network.'
What can the Marx Brothers tell us about the workings of the unconscious? And why exactly do the birds attack in Hitchcock's masterpiece of horror? Part 1 explores the fictional structures that sustain our experience of reality and the chaotic netherworld of wild drives and desire that undermine that very experience.
Providing a blueprint for approaching cinema through a psychoanalytical lens, Part 1 explores key Freudian concepts such as the psyche's division between Ego, Superego, Id, death drive and libido. Zizek shows how the visual language of films returns to us our deepest anxieties, arousing our desire while simultaneously 'keeping it at a safe distance, domesticating it, rendering it palpable!'
Playing on cinema's great tradition for romantic narratives, Part 2 unlocks what these narratives tell us about the critical role that fantasy plays in sexual relationships. 'Why does our libido need the virtual universe of fantasies?' asks Zizek.
Zizek excavates the nightmarish truth behind Tarkovsky's dreamy sci-fi Solaris and its chilling reverberations with Vertigo, Hitchcock's great romantic epic. The consequences are alarming. For the male libidinal economy it appears, 'the only good woman is a dead woman.' Zizek argues that it is the very excess of female desire that poses a fundamental threat to male identity.
Fantasy can be both pacifying and radically destabilizing. From David Lynch's Lost Highway and Ingmar Bergman's Persona to Michael Haneke's The Piano Teacher, fantasy is the battleground of the war between the sexes. Part 2 interrogates the structure of fantasy that makes the sexual act possible. But it also asks whether this very plague of fantasies is finally staged - like cinema itself - as a defence against anxiety.
Part 3 plays with appearances. Appearances are not deceiving, but extremely efficient. When Dorothy & Co discover The Wizard of Oz is actually an old man behind a curtain, they nonetheless expect him to work his magic. And so he does: the illusion persists. Says Zizek, 'There is something more real in the illusion than in the reality behind it.'
With iconoclastic gusto, Zizek evokes the Gnostic theory of our world as an 'unfinished reality' where 'God bungled his job of creation'. If film itself is structured through cuts, edits and missing scenes, then so too is our own subjective experience. This is perhaps why we can believe in cinema - as well as other systems of faith, paternal, religious and ideological.
Zizek shows us that the key to cinema is beyond the narrative, beyond the 'story' that we witness. What provides the density of cinematic enjoyment is material form beyond interpretation.
Share The Pervert's Guide To Cinema by Sophie Fennes via thepiratebay or demonoid(if you want an invite, write your mail in a comment).
If you want to learn more about Slavoj Zizek, then share the documentary directed by Astra Taylor!
'Zizek!' is a feature documentary exploring the eccentric personality and esoteric work of the 'wild man of theory': the eminent Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek.
Support the peer to peer networks by sharing the file via thepiratebay or demonoid!
at 10:38 PM
Writing's by Slavoj Zizek
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Various writing's by Slavoj Zizek.
Share via thepiratebay or demonoid.
at 8:21 PM
How to Build an Igloo(1949), by Douglas Wilkinson
Simple documentary about the creation of an igloo, commented by Douglas Wilkinson. Very fine footage. 10min playtime.
Share it at demonoid and thepiratebay.
at 7:21 PM
Öyvind Fahlström
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Manipulate the world!
Under the motto: Manipulate the world - take care of the world, Fahlström set up a variety of meeting-places in which participants were invited to take part in an interdiciplinary game of purposeful discovery. He introduced elements of popular culture into his work early on and made substantial contributions to a critical assessment of the "medialisation" of art. In this, the most extensive book about Öyvind Fahlström to date, Teddy Hultberg charts the artist´s predominant lines of creative development and shows how his cross-genre endeavours were based on a few central ideas: character forms, signs, games and life materials.
The present study focuses on two innovative and extraordinary compositions for radio: "Birds in Sweden" (1963) and "The Holy Torsten Nilsson" (1966). These works can be heard on the two accompanying CD records and are also included here in written form. Some unique and hitherto unpublished visual and textual material, the result of several years of research by Teddy Hultberg, is also included in the book.
Two fantastic audio books by Öyvind Fahlström.
It sounds like this map(also made by Öyvind F.):
Taken from ubu. But if you want to support the filesharing network's, then go to thepiratebay or demonoid!
at 11:55 PM
Critical Art Ensemble Book Projects
Monday, December 18, 2006
Five books written by Critical Art Ensemble.
Critical Art Ensemble is a collective of five tactical media artists dedicated to exploring the intersections between art, technology, critical theory, and political activism. Each artist has her or his specialised talents and skills, including performance, book arts, graphic design, computer art, film/video, photography and critical writing. Those skills are used in a tactical manner, recombined according to the demands of each work.
CAE chooses a subject in a specific cultural situation and creates a work within that context, with that particular audience, and within the social space and performative matrix of everyday life. They use the skills and the media that will best address the content and situation, moving to any site - galleries, the internet, the street – in Europe and North America.
CAE’s practice is about the process of resistance, about creating works and events which reveal and challenge the authoritarian underpinnings of pancapitalism and Western culture. CAE makes events using combinations of traditional and participatory theatre, lecture, dialogue and the written text – events that demonstrate the necessity of this challenge.
For the past seven years, CAE has focused on biotechnology, its colonising effects and ideological layering, and the biorevolution in global capitalism. The public’s access to the processes of biotechnology is limited; it is only the resultant product that appears as a commodity, resulting in misleading speculation, fear, disinformation and communicative disorder.
Tacticality includes a willingness to be amateurs, to try anything, to resist specialisation, and CAE’s interventions propose to give people reliable information and direct experience of the routinised processes of science so that individuals can come to understand that biotech is within their power to think about and actively influence. In some works, CAE invites public participation (participatory theatre) in doing actual experiments, exploring the performativities of science and theatre. These public experiments demystify the scientific process, encourage amateur explorations, and serve as a public pedagogy about biotech initiatives and business. Throughout the diverse strategies of these works, CAE raises questions concerning democracy, pancapitalism, the utopian promises of biotech, eugenics, and of life itself.
CAE hopes these performances contribute to the development of an informed, critical public discourse on biotechnology.
Digital Resistance
Molecular Invasion
Electronic Civil Disobedience
The Electronic Disturbance
Flesh Machine
More information about CAE at their website.
You can download the listed book's directly from the CAE website, or support the filesharing networks at demonoid or thepiratebay.
at 3:50 PM
Book of Ballast by Hans Schabus
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Book of Ballast is the work Hans Schabus showed at the International Liverpool Biennial 2006.
Hans Schabus
Born 1970, Watschig, Austria.
Lives and works in Vienna, Austria.
Hans Schabus is obsessed with journeys, and with the spaces through which we make journeys.
He has dug tunnels, recreated mountains, and even sailed a boat through the sewers of Vienna.
He often sends visitors to his exhibitions on intriguing journeys of their own – through basements, corridors, and mazes – and literally rebuilds gallery spaces, forcing us to look more closely at what we often take for granted: the space around us.
In his brilliantly imaginative new work, Schabus explores a mostly forgotten connection between Liverpool and the United States, and takes us on a transatlantic journey with some highly unusual travelling companions.
Find the book at thepiratebay, demonoid or karagarga.
at 1:26 PM
Prisoners' Inventions
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Prisoners' Inventions is a collaboration between Temporary Services, a group based in Chicago and Angelo, who is incarcerated in California. Angelo illustrated and described many incredible inventions made by prisoners.
The creations include cooking appliances, cigarette lighters, condoms and chess sets.
These items often fill needs that are not addressed within the usual restrictions of the prison environment.
Temporary Services co-edited a book of Angelo’s writings and drawings, re-created many of the inventions from the book, and built a full-size replica of Angelo’s cell at his request.
Read more about Temporary Services and Prisoners' Inventions.
Prisoners' Inventions has been shared 1500 times during the past two weeks.
Find it at thepiratebay, demonoidor karagarga.
at 10:48 PM
Filter by Anders Weberg
Saturday, December 2, 2006
This post was only meant to be about a film made by Anders Weberg, but as i looked this file up, i discovered that is was a part of An art project by Anders Weberg:
Art made for - and only available on - the peer-to-peer networks.
The original artwork is first shared by the artist until one other user has downloaded it.
After that the artwork will be available for as long as other users share it.
The original file and all the material used to create it are deleted by the artist.
”There's no original”
P2P Art is a project from Swedish media artist and filmmaker Anders Weberg.
Visit Anders Weberg.
The film Anders has shared is called 'filter':
A 73 minute experimental film
"Filter is fully based on the emotions that I experienced in the beginning of 2006
when I woke up one night and found my son unconscious on the floor.
A couple of minutes passed by until I could bring him back.
The fear and desperation I felt during this time is what the film is all about."
This film and all the files used creating it was deleted 2006/09/15.
find it here:
at 1:00 AM